
The resources & contacts listed here are a great starting point if you are considering moving to Paraguay! These are people we know personally. They all speak fluent English and are friendly & helpful.

Please keep in mind, Paraguay is a country of communities & networks. It’s sometimes hard to find information online, especially in English. There is a very true saying here “you can get everything in Paraguay, you just need to know where.” Someone will know someone, that knows someone – this is how it works in Paraguay!


One of the most important aspects of applying for residency in Paraguay is ensuring you have the correct documents and an immigration consultant that knows what they are doing. You also need to shop around as prices can vary dramatically. If you speak fluent Spanish you could apply yourself, there are various steps and paperwork required but the information is readily available on the Paraguayan immigration website. It may take you a few days & trips to various offices to get things sorted.

If you aren’t fluent in Spanish then ideally engage someone to prepare and submit the documents for you. Check out our tips for choosing the best person for the job.

  • Choose an agent that can verify all your documents are correct before you plan your trip/move to Paraguay.
  • Documents must be apostilled to prove that they are authentic. It’s important that names are correct on passports, birth certificates etc. Your agent should be aware of the processes for each country and should advise you whether your documents will be accepted by immigration.
  • You do not need to pay any money upfront. Payment for the application process should only be made when your application process starts in Paraguay.
  • The immigration agent should 100% guarantee that your application will be processed without problems. Unfortunately there are agents out there that don’t check documents are correct before submitting them and then ask for more money to have the application progressed. An agent that guarantees their work will commit to paying for any extra costs that arise during the process.
  • You do not need to use an immigration lawyer for this process. You just need someone who is experienced with dealing with the Paraguayan immigration department.
  • Do your due diligence on pricing, especially if you are a family. Children 13 & under don’t require an Interpol check and this should be reflected in the price of their application fee.
  • Your application fee should also include your Cedula (National Identity Card) this is applied for after your Temporary Residency is approved.

You can download our Paraguay Immigration Agent Guide HERE it’s full of tips to help you choose the right Agent!

If you would like a personal recommendation for an immigration agent just email us at [email protected]

Blogs On The Residency Process

Here’s our blog posts on the residency application process:

Property – Buying

Looking for property is a bit of a roller coaster ride in Paraguay. Much of what you find online is overpriced. There is a lot of property/land for sale but most of it isn’t online. Again it’s generally networks and patience that will help you find a suitable property. The best plan is to have a look around Paraguay and decide what region suits you. Then rent a property in that area so you get a feel for the community and start building contacts that can find you property at a good price. Do not rush this process!

The following websites are the key online property portals in Paraguay:

You can also find property on Facebook Marketplace and there are also lots of FB groups for house & land sales.

Check out our PROPERTY IN PARAGUAY playlist on our YT channel for important info on the boxes you need to tick when buying a property in Paraguay. The market is totally unregulated so you need to do your due diligence and there are many things you need to consider!


The purchase agreement for any property you buy is facilitated through an Escribana. They draft the legal documents that you sign to purchase the property. BUYER BEWARE! You need to do serious due diligence on the title and geo-reference map (a requirement for properties outside of cities)

The key thing to remember is that there is no law governing these contracts so you have no protection or legal comeback if you sign a contract and find out later there is issues with the title or geo-referenced map. You should choose the Escribana yourself. It’s not ideal to use an Escribana chosen by the seller or maybe even the person/agent that is facilitating the sale of the property.

The amount of deposit you initially put down on a property that you are intending to buy has consequences. Please make sure you discuss this with your Escribana. You could potentially inadvertently commit yourself to buying the property if you put down a larger deposit than required.

If you don’t speak Spanish you also need to use a translator (neutral party) or an English speaking Escribana to ensure you understand the contract you are signing.

We use an excellent Escribana who is based in Asuncion. She is Paraguayan and speaks fluent English. If you would like her details please email us [email protected]

Blogs on Buying Property in Paraguay


If you are moving to Paraguay permanently we have found the easiest way to approach it is to initially spend some time in Asuncion. Check out our blog post on our stay in Asuncion when we first arrived HERE You can apply for residency and have a good look around as well, Asuncion offers more shopping choices and may be your go to place for things you can’t find in other parts of Paraguay.

Beyond Airbnb & real estate websites there are many furnished and unfurnished properties to rent short or long term all over Paraguay. Many Europeans have relocated to Paraguay, built a house of their own and houses for accommodation as well.

Check out our YT interview with Marcel discussing what to look for in a good rental property.

You can download our Paraguay Property Rental Guide HERE. It has tips on what to look for in a rental property and some good places to look for high quality properties to rent in Paraguay.

If you are wanting someone to look for you our friend Mervi from Abisiana Consulting provides a rental accommodation finding service. She speaks fluent Finnish, German, Spanish & English. You can contact her via email: [email protected] or Whatsapp/Telegram +595 984 152023 for more information.

Health Insurance

Paraguay’s health care system is free for anyone living in Paraguay.

There are also private options as well for healthcare. Check out our informative interview with Daniela where she talks about the private & public options in Paraguay and her experiences in both.

Daniela has lived in Paraguay for 15 years and speaks fluent English, German & Spanish. She and her husband Gustavo own Easy Life Paraguay which provides numerous services to help people get settled into there new life here in Paraguay. They are also insurance agents and can help you with medical, car and house insurance information & policies translated to English.

You can contact Daniela via email: [email protected] or Whatsapp/Telegram +595 994 356741 for more information about their services.

Other Blogs on Paraguay

Check some other informative blogs on Paraguay.

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We may have affiliate arrangements with the people/businesses on this page. We don’t recommend any services or people that we don’t know & trust. The commission received is at no extra cost to you and allows us to create more content for our blog.

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