The Process is Being Streamlined

Our experience with Paraguay Immigration was administratively manual. Lot’s of forms and old school fingerprints with ink. However in coming months the process is changing.

For example, sometime later this year the cedula application will become digital. In the past the fingerprints and photo’s for the cedula have been done manually.

This will require the applicant to attend those locations that have the facilities to take the digital fingerprints. Initially the old & new system will run alongside each other but who knows for how long? This may change the time frames around how long you need to stay in Paraguay (or around South America) to complete the residency & cedula application.

Administration Timelines

There have been recent changes to the way that the application process is being managed for the residency application. The end result is that it is taking a few more hours to do things. Whatever happened technology making things easier?

The other issue that is being encountered during the residency process is that the officials are being considerably more sensitive to minor discrepancies in submitted paperwork.

What was once an insignificant issue is now being picked up on, and in several cases it has resulted in costly outcomes.

What’s in a Name?

A common trap is the issue of names on documents. Mis-spelt, maiden name on one document and married name on another, middle names on birth certificate but not in a passport. There’s many variations regarding how names can trip you up.

For example, we met an Irishman who was having dramas with Paraguay Immigration because his middle name (that was on his Birth Certificate) was not in his passport. We have been told that this is not uncommon for Irish Passport holders. Anyhow, this caused this poor guy a lot of issues.

Apostille of Documents for Residency

There’s no change in this regard, correct apostille documents has always been a requirement. However now more than ever before, any lineball decisions about an apostille process will probably not go in your favor. No problemo, just follow the rules.

In order for your documents to be accepted by the Paraguay Immigration Office they must be apostilled. This can be an expensive, laborious process but it has to be done just as the officials want it.

This cannot be over emphasized enough, don’t assume that any stamp that your Government endorses your documents with is an apostille. When it comes to apostille, there is only one way to do it, and that way is to follow the process that is required in your country.

You can read more about the wonderful and fascinating world of apostille here.

Don’t Rely on E Apostilles

I am not an expert on apostille, but I do know of a person who relied on a form of apostille that the issuing office called an ‘E apostille’ that was sent to her by email. Suffice to say, Paraguay Immigration did not accept this and the rectification was costly.

Get good advice and be organised before you leave.

The ideal situation is to get all the required documentation prior to traveling to Paraguay. If you are submitting your application yourself then go for it.

If you decide to employ an agent in Paraguay then you should forward your intended documents to them, complete with apostille, to them for review.

Is It Still Worth It?

Only you can answer that question, but as at the time of writing this post in February 2024 the window is still open. Yes, the process for Paraguay residency has become slightly more time consuming, but in terms of hassle and price Paraguay still presents one of the easiest, cost effective Plan B’s around.

For us it is a no brainer. The fact that things are tightening up here tends to confirm to us that there’s global head winds upon us. The best time to make the move was yesterday, the next best time is today.

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