This year we have moved from Guatemala to Nicaragua, and then onto Paraguay. 2023, what a year! We have learned much along the way. We are enjoying the Christmas break and looking forward to 2024.

Our odyssey got off to an eventful start when we arrived at the border of Honduras. We were jammed on a minibus with young European backpackers and traveling from El Salvador to Costa Rica…so we thought.

Rejected by Honduras

Upon arriving at the Honduran border we encountered an immigration officer that seemed to be having a bad day and wanted to share this with us. We had renewed our CA4 visa in Guatemala, and this particular immigration officer would not ‘recognize’ it. Our minibus driver tried to advocate for us but to no avail.

The official escorted us to our minibus, ordered our bags to be handed to us, and then escorted us to the bridge on the border between Honduras and El Salvador.

It was like a scene from a movie. Makeshift storekeepers and travelers looked on as we did the ‘walk of shame’ across the border. In a comically theatrical move, as we approached the Honduran side of the bridge the Officer thrust her pointy finger toward El Salvador and barked ‘VAMOS!’

The situation was so comical that we could not resist laughing. Probably not the wisest move, but sometimes you have to laugh.

The bridge was a few hundred meters across back to El Salvador. As we got closer to the El Salvador checkpoint, it crossed my mind ‘What if we get rejected from El Salvador?’ Would we spend the rest of our lives trapped on a bridge between Honduras and El Salvador?

At the El Salvadorian checkpoint, we were approached by an official, who clearly sensed our predicament. With a broad smile and friendly wave, we knew that we were being welcomed back into El Salvador. Phew.

And that is our enduring memory of El Salvador. Beautiful, welcoming people.

Nicaragua, Wow!

We chanced our arm on Nicaragua with limited information. We read what we could online but did not have anyone in Nicaragua to confirm what we were getting ourselves into. Regardless, given it was not the most favored child in the United Nations family we figured it would be worth checking out.

Although Nicaragua did not tick our most important boxes we are so grateful we had the chance to visit there. It was a magical place and can only really be appreciated by spending some time there. It lives large in our memories and made some lifelong friends.

Beautiful church in Granada, Nicaragua
Granada – Nicaragua

A Quick Stop in Miami, Florida

On the way from Nicaragua to Paraguay we spent a week in Miami, Florida. Had a great time and were glad to have experienced the Miami life. Now we know why we don’t want to live the 15 minute city dream!

Miami Beach
Miami Beach – Florida

The End of 2023 Finds Us in Paraguay

It feels as though we have been here much longer than four months. In that short space of time, we have developed several great friendships. Our social dance card has been full of Christmas celebrations and tonight we are spending time with some awesome friends.

And so, we end the year by appreciating the biggest lesson we have learned on our travels. It’s all about the people. The contacts, friendships, and communities that you find yourself in.

New Years Eve
Celebrating with our German & English friends – New Years Eve 2023

We Picked Up another Passenger

Percy the rescue kitten is the latest addition to the family, we found him at Caacupets. They rescue animals and provide an amazing vet service in Caacupe. We are now hatching a plan to collect Ruby (our rescue dog) from Guatemala. Stay tuned.

We are Looking Forward to 2024!

What a year! High on our list of ‘things to do in 2024’ is to find a more suitable abode and develop income streams here in Paraguay. We have some things in mind on both counts and look forward to sharing how we get on.

As we tie a bow on 2023 we pray that God will keep his protective hand on us and show us where we need to be and be doing. May it also be for you and your family. All the best for 2024 or as they say in Paraguay РFeliz A̱o Nuevo!

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7 months ago

Awww Percy too cute

7 months ago
Reply to  Nic

Yes he is cute – he behaves more like a dog! 🤔