Welcome to Our Blog About Our Life, Travels & Living in Paraguay!

The Neilsen Family -Lake Atitlan

We’re a Family of Four from Australia & NZ who went on a Journey to Find a New Place to Live…

In October 2022 we left our home in New Zealand to embark on a journey to find a new place to live! Sadly our ‘slice of paradise’ was changing.

We no longer felt like we could pursue our lifestyle dreams in NZ. Our first stop was Guatemala, from there we travelled down through Central America. We now have decided to settle in Paraguay, South America.

This blog is a journal of our travels & adventures. We have learnt a lot along the way, and we want to share our ‘on the ground experiences’. Maybe you are on a similar journey? If so read on…..


Living in Paraguay

Life has been interesting in the last year or so, to say the least! We are thinking that, finally, we may be able to stop and take a breath now that we are getting settled in Paraguay. This blog is a result of that pause. It’s important to us that we pass on the information & experiences we have gathered along the way to help others that may be on the same journey.

It’s a challenge moving to a continent where your native language isn’t generally spoken. It automatically puts you on the back foot. Couple that with a lack of up-to-date online information, people that just want your money and expat forums that don’t always provide the ‘pro’s & con’s’ beyond how beautiful the scenery is.

Check out our blog posts below for useful info & tips about life in Paraguay. We also have lots of information on our Resources page as well.

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